Tuesday 28 August 2012


                                                          MY WILD EXPERIENCE

What a blessed journey this has been for me, being part of MNET'S hit Soap "THE WILD. I have never worked on such a hugely profound soap which is treated and shot like a "MOVIE".

THE SET is out of this world, Set designers, the Art department and the Unit crews have outdone themselves, I'm getting Emails , Tweets and Facebook messages with people asking me how they can go about booking a holiday at the "DINALEDI LODGE" as it is the most beautiful lodge they've ever seen. Wow! *hmmmm maybe next time I should give them MY bank details so they book through "ME" Haaaaaaaaa Haaaaaa Haaaaaaaaa *evil laugh*

THE CREW is by far my favourite , don't ask why , i'll explain . They are hard working , on set from 5 AM most days and wrap pretty late, work under hard conditions ie 'be wherever you need to be just to capture that winning shot' ,they have families to deal with ...don't we all... YET , they have THEE BEST SENSE OF HUMOUR EVER !!! THANK YOU... I LOVE YOU GUYS.
MAKE UP & WARDROBE make sure these characters come to life EVERYDAY , it takes a lot of discipline to remain consistent and proffessional on a daily basis and they all do it with such grace while playing music in the make up room and I DANCE my MAKE UP OFF and SWEAT my WARDROBE down ... *sigh* All in the name of FUN ... riiight?

THE PRODUCTION team is extremely systematic & yes we give them grief at times, I kinda do, re: Rushing Scripts LOL ... hence we allow them to bum our coffe once in a while.

Finally , I get a chance to say this ... ALL these evil , silly , naughty , cruel , unkind and manipulative lines are NOT MY nor "MAXINES" doing ... its that WRITING TEAM !!! ok , I must admit , they are talented , creative and live in their own planet , I MEAN , C'MON ... WHO WRITES SUCH !!?? Lol  wait, then we have those cut throat sharp Editors , some of the best in the BIZ... who just package each episode with style. Thank you. LOVE YOUR WORK !
THE TRANSPORT team is instrumental in getting the WHOLE team to and from set... but for me personally, its a ...*wait for it* ... ROAD TRIP !!! Ive had thee most fun on those shuttles. Singing, Dancing, Laughing and had the LOUDEST CHATS and Debates ofcourse I also read books, emails and tweeted a lot in there too. * OH SHUT UP* The shuttle drivers are my THERAPISTS ...

THE CAST is the cream , the topping , the life of the show, they make this story so real, so magnetic. Everyday, working with such talent is surreal for me, its such an honour. I thank God , Mnet and Bobby Heaney for believing and trusting that I too would fit into this glorious "MOVIE SOAP"
There is no way THE CAST AND CREW of THE WILD will shoot and continue giving you such an amaing show without FOOD !!!!! I just HAVE to thank our amazong CATERING TEAM, damn ... DO THEY FEED US !!! without gym membership , it would certainly be the cast and crew of "BUTT WILD" .... *I know you get it*

#iLoveWhatGodMakesMeDo ...

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely love this blog entry. I am so jealous!!! Sounds like such fun!! :-D
