Sunday 3 February 2013

                              8 STEPS TO FITNESS WITH KHABODACIOUS

Do not wait for others to tell you that you look good in order to feel good about yourself , take the reigns!" - Dacious

Ok, We are only human, its natural to over indulge and Laze around especially during and after the festive season ! The trick is to know when you've done so, & to then ... take ACTION !

1. RUN: its free... If you hate it, Walk! Try between 2 to 5 k's. (Or take an hours' stroll)
2. SWIM: if your weave or lace wig is great quality & its on securely, you're ok! Trust me! You can swim for days. Try between 8 to 10 laps. (For starters)
3. DANCE: @ home, play music loudly and Dance till you sweat! *do it alone so you're not so embarrassed* (OR join The Kha'bodacious Health & Lifestyle Sat. open classes)
4. FURNITURE WORK OUT: so much you can do with the Chair (legs, arms) , Table ( inner thighs, hamstrings) Door frame (thighs), stack of magazines (arms)
5. WATER: drink lots of it. At times , with your meals, perhaps try replacing juice 'alcohol' and fizzy drinks with some H2O.
6. GREEN TEA : if you're new to it, I allow you to add honey , but try it plain with just hot water, your whole system will text you & say "Thank You" or go  read BLOG POST re: the Green Tea benefits!
7. FRUIT & VEGETABLES : indulge- Try grilled fish or chicken and add Veges (add some raw ones too) . For Desert, slice a mango & strawberry! Take it down with a freshly squeezed orange juice. Then drink Water.
8.POSTURE : "Do not slouch , sit up straight" we've all heard this...
NB. A good posture allows you to use your postural muscles more efficiently because your alignment is correct. When you use your muscles correctly, you relieve yourself of unnecessary pain & your fatigue decreases. Then you get an energy boost!
- Dacious


  1. Oh my gosh,love this...I've been drafting ideas on how to cut out the 'quick diet' and rather change my lifestyle so I lose the weight and mantain instead of losing to gain it all back and start all over kunzima
