Thursday 12 April 2012


Reviewing a BOOK ... has been in my head and heart for Years Now. I've always wanted a corner where I share my views on a book I find exciting , thrilling and shocking ... in many ways ! THIS... is the corner , NOW... is the time .
The way I will tackle  these books might be a bit unorthodox , but ... you'll get the hang of it! Then , YOU will join me by sharing your views about the Book in question. That's not all.  YOU will also send me YOUR own BOOK REVIEW  ...I  will read it, if its fun enough, I will then put it up and we will share OUR views... YES  ? YES !

"John" (Author) is guilty of having me committed into a psyche ward !! His way of writing is insanely hilarious, at times , I found myself rolling off a chair with laughter... arguing with a page and crying SECRETLY !!! SECRETLY guys ... *shrugs*
The book is about my favourite couple (they are now) Luther and Nora Krank who decided to do things "differently",  by SKIPPING CHRISTMAS and taking a boat cruise to the Caribbean Islands instead ... hello !!! I mean , why not, their only child  who's  all grown up now had left country  for the year, and they were basically alone again , after all those years ... why not !
At first I thought , oh  yes , great idea, save money , skip the snow , the silly parties , jammed chaotic malls,  the loud sometimes out of tune carollers, loose weight due to NO pudding cake ,NO ham , stuffed bird ,NO fruit cake ...*eish , but i cant be without fruit cake in DECEMBER ... HELL NO !!!*
Anyway , their plan  seemed to be working perfectly even though they were going through tough neighbourhood scrutiny and hell at work , but they kept each other going with the CARIBBEAN motivation... until the UNEXPECTED ultimately had to be EXPECTED... just a day before their long awaited trip .... *THIS.. made me 'argue with the page" .... WHY ? WHY ? WHY does the daughter have to return home ELEVEN MONTHS EARLIER ... with a FIANCE nogal !!!*
I feel that John was also teaching us a valuable lesson about the true meaning of CHRISTMAS simply because we have lost it somewhere along the  way ! Sacrifice , Giving and Loving completely ! Basically , it was a day before Christmas and the Kranks had nothing prepared as they were planning on this exotic trip ! They didn't want their daughter to know what they had planned , so when she decided to come home sooner than expected , they had to sacrifice their trip , swallow their pride and ask for help ! A tear jerker for me was seeing the whole neighbourhood pull together at the last minute , no judgement , no more scrutiny, just love and team work to create THE PERFECT CHRISTMAS !!
This is a must read. You will love his style of writing!!!

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