Thursday 31 October 2013


Determining your body shape is often the first step in learning how to dress in a way that makes your body look its best. Nearly every woman has problem areas she would like to cover, as well as positive features she would like to show off. Examining your shape allows you the opportunity to gain a better understanding of what these areas are, which will later allow you to learn about dressing to flatter your figure

1. Pay attention to where you gain weight. Each body type is prone to weight gain in a specific area—for example, the thighs or stomach. Know where you gain weight most often to clue yourself in about your shape.

2. Stand in front of a mirror while wearing as little as possible. Clothing can mask your shape, making it harder for you to get an accurate picture of your curves.

3. Focus on the shape of your torso, paying special attention to the contours that extend from the thinnest part of your waist to your rib cage and hip line. Continue examining these contours until you can clearly visualize them in your mind.

4. Determine which parts of your body are largest and which are narrowest. Note your shoulders, bust, waist, hips, and thighs. Determine which connecting contours are curviest, and which are straightest.

5. Note your "problem" areas. Determine which parts of your body you have the hardest time flattering. For example, this could include broad shoulders or thick thighs.

6. Note your positive features. Determine what your best assets are. This could include slender arms or legs, or a balanced set of curves.

info credit - wikihow...


  1. Hi Khabo thanx for this info! Well my weight gain areas are thighs,butt! I have curves,butt and tiny waist

    1. Tiny waist ! Babe u have it all! Carefull not to loose your thigh n butt curves as they accentuate ur lovely waist! No matter ur size, as long as you r toned, healthy n fit, you're perfect!

  2. I have an ass and hips for days and when I do gain wieght these are the areas. I would like to tone down a bit though as people assume that I am big.

    1. Lol ! People will always assume their own things luv! What matters is what YOU think. How does your body make YOU feel? Toning is always good, but do it for YOU , no one else... Deal?

  3. Sis khabo my area of stress is my tummy and well I do hv a big burst how do I tackle this area

  4. The Tummy is always an area of concern ... Please read the titles "Food that keep your tummy flat" & "Fitness Dvd coming to YOU" here you'll see the 'Chair Lift Off - Chair plank' move which zones in your tummy! Let me know ur thots after seeing those!

  5. Hey sis khabo...I'm a size 30 nd I wanna gain sum curves nd butt..any tips?

    1. Size 30 ! That's a great size babe ! No? Well ok. Maybe do some Glut workouts, isolate the butt, remember , u want toned curves yeah, phela We Not on that jiggly vibe ! Lol! Let me know how it goes !

  6. Lol ok thnx sisters..but isn't work outs gonna make me thinner?

    1. Working out is not only about making you thinner. There are different ways to work out. You can work out to trim , sculpt n tone ur body. You need to choose what YOUR body needs. Nb. Have fun while u do it!
