Tuesday 8 October 2013

Conquering Cancer & Conquering Mount Kilimanjaro


I felt the need to stand behind this lovely sister sis NTOKOZO DLUDLA and share her story with you. She truly embodies POWER, LOVE and DETERMINATION. I hope her story inspires you as it did me. She has conquered cancer , and TODAY ,  she is off to conquer Mount Kilimanjaro !!!

K' and sis Ntokozo

"Like every other day a shower helps ease one into starting off a new day, but not for Ntokozo Dludla, she discovered a lump in her breast while taking a shower. A week later she went for an examination out of concern, only to hear, “You are too young to have breast cancer.”

 Six months later the lump had developed in size, so she went to a hospital to get a second opinion, and was informed by a doctor that she could have fibroids. Despite the second opinion she was adamant on having another test done as her breast continued to change in shape. Bosom Buddies assisted her in getting an appointment at the Helen Joseph Hospital, where she was examined thoroughly and sent through for a biopsy, sonar and mammogram.

The conqueror sis Ntokozo 

 After two weeks of anxiously waiting for the biopsy test results, it was confirmed that Ntokozo Dludla had breast cancer. Consumed by anger as the first two opinions were false, Ntokozo felt cheated of time as six months of treatment would have made a difference. She was drowning in despair and devastation, only self doubt could echo her then preliminary thoughts…my life is over and I am going to die.

After six circles of chemo therapy, radiation treatment and a surgery to remove the lump, Ntokozo Dludla is now cancer free and has been for the past five years. Life after the storm brought only sunshine for Ntokozo; she is now a mother of two and currently a Community Educator for the Breast Health Foundation.

For breast cancer survivor, Ntokozo Dludla, confidence continues to grow as she further steps out of her comfort zone to conquer. Life’s challenge for her now lies in facing another great obstacle, climbing Mount Kilimanjaro. Through this initiative she aims to inspire every woman to accomplish a bucket list and to face the challenges life can and will always throw at one."
inspired sister ...


  1. I'm really inspired hei!!! God bless you K and sis Ntokozo.. Women like you are what this world needs

  2. We Love and appreciate your blessings Nthaby!
