Thursday 29 May 2014

KHABONINA'S new Lifestyle and Fitness TV show " GYM e'KASI " !!!

GYM e KASI -  Khabonina's NEW Fitness Television Show

 South Africa ...  its finally here... your first ever Lifestyle and Fitness Television Show ,  focusing on our Kasi people. GYM e KASI !


 I had been pregnant with this idea for over 4 years,  and decided to produce the concept of the show 2 years ago. The first person i presented it to was my mother... and as my manager , business partner and friend , she LOVED it  and we never stopped discussing it since then! We even created an event around this Fitness Lifestyle concept called "DANCE FITNESS INDABA BREAKFAST" last year,  where South African women attended.  Dietitians , nutritionists , fitness and health experts and motivators gave talks and demonstrations. It wouldn't be an indaba unless the women got a platform to talk and express themselves. Indeed, The Women took the opportunity to share and even ask  a thing or two about their fitness journey ... or lack thereof.

The response to Fitness was so inspiring , on all platforms especially on my social media platforms , I realised that I HAVE to release a fitness DVD that year (Julukment) while at the same time giving birth to  "GYM e KASI" !!

The Birth Of GYM e KASI :

We are labelled "The Fattest Country on the African Continent" ... and we are number TWO in the world , that's a SCARY fact. Through my research , i came to a realisation that most South Africans do not put Fitness and a Healthy Lifestyle at the top of their list. This is due to a few factors like -

Most of us do not have time to exercise.

We neglect to check our blood types so we can know what kinds of food are good for our systems and which foods are damaging our systems.

There is not enough information out there regards 'Good and Healthy food to eat'  on a budget.

Some do not enjoy the "Gym" . They pay , but do not attend.

Most South Africans cannot afford the Gym.

GYM e KASI - The Television Programme
Although GYM e KASI focuses on most of our KASI  people, its honestly for EVERYBODY , even across the world the show may apply to you! I take you on a  journey (through a reality lifestyle show )where you get to know your body better. What it is you can do to help prevent yourself from  getting a condition such as 'Obesity' ? what is a Thyroid Gland and what is its main function ? How do we get rid of the dreaded belly fat "UMKHABA" ? is my weight inherited ? - We answer all that via our brilliant experts !!



We also go through psychological reasons why our bodies are the way we are ? Why do we eat so much or so little ? What are we hiding ?  Spiritual healing , your third Chakra (energy in your belly) ... does it work ? Whats the real purpose of yoga?!


I also introduce our viewers to an alternate way of working out ... using your home and home furniture as your gym equipment. You can do so much with your "chair" , your "bed" , "table" , "floor" , 'couch"  etc. We do all this on the show. This is also on my Fitness DVD "Julukment" (Which was released last year 26 December 2013 - available at the KhaboStore on )


I'm the biggest believer in INTERACTION ... so , my most exciting moment of the show is where the viewers take part in the 5 minute power workout at the end of the show! Every week we focus on different body parts , I infact Dance and Tone you to fitness ! its brilliant !! This workout also airs on a breakfast show "Sunrise" on ETV , giving you that "Power" before you go to school or work !

So, its safe to say that  GYM e KASI is a package deal , your one stop fitness show ! We inform you , entertain you while we educate you on Fitness and motivate you to adopt a healthier lifestyle !!!

Khabonina Qubeka - Host , Creator and Executive Producer

Catch GYM eKASI every TUESDAY at 7pm  on EKASI + @EKASI+

Channel 105 only on Open View High Definition @OVHD

Catch the 'VOCAVOCA" - Power Workout on ETV'S Breakfast show "SUNRISE "

Every Tuesday  from 6 am on ETV  @EtvSA

- Host , Concept Creator and Executive Producer





1 comment:

  1. Hi. I love what you doing exposing our local gym. Pls meet this powerful woman from Mohlakeng. She owns a beautiful gym and love what she is doing. Hilda Biyela 0713860284. You will love her
