Monday 21 April 2014



Directed by Kosta Kalarytis

Screenplay Andrew Herold

Cinematography Nic Hofmeyr

Music by Geo Hohn


WOW !! *as tears rolled down my cheeks* ... Still cant believe it finally happened, I got a part in a South African movie , and not just a part , but the Lead Role ! Its so true what my mom and my pastor always say, God doesn't say "NO" , he says "NOT NOW" , Its just that at times we are so impatient. i know I'm a culprit of that too....

I have been praying  for a Movie for years now, I said Lord, it doesn't have to be a "lead role" , just to be part of a South African told story would be an honour , and God finally answered me , at the right time , with the right story , with the right people and i was BEYOND READY!!!


I had the honour of working with the greats of the industry from cast to crew, people Ive loved for years ... People who's work has been itched on my brain for decades and  That's just  GODS doing !! Kosta Kalarytis the co creator and director of the movie is one that inspires me most ! it took him 5 years of ups and downs till he eventually called "roll camera", but , he DID IT EVENTUALLY ... he made his MOVIE ... THAT inspires me !!

With the awesome director and co creator Kosta Kalarytis , Hlubi Mboya (Connie) , and our young star Paballo Khoza (Peace)
My role as "DORA" was an exciting journey , I was highly challenged at times ... having to learn  how to "SMOKE" , "GETTING NUDE" in front of the camera's etc (YEAH i know it sounds easy , sure it is, but one needs to get in it, FULLY ) ....!!! But the most amazing moments were allowing myself to "BECOME" .... I had to let go of "ME" my thoughts , values,fears etc and ABSORB "DORA" with everything in me ! I Loved every moment!!!


Kosta Kalartyis has created an awesome trailer for the film , please take a look and let me know how you feel , what you think ... all that jazzzzzzz !!

Movie Trailer --  "DORAS PEACE"


  1. Goodmorning Khabo! I knew the Lord will make the way for you! Im proud of you my sister!!! Montenegro

  2. My baby Monte ! Love & Miss you ! Thanks for popping in to the Blog! I Looooooooooooooooooove You!

  3. Hey Khabo. Proud of you hey. My sister is in the movie too as a young Dora. We met before the shoot when you guys where busy with wardrobe in Randburg. It was an honour. And am happy for you guys. # Keep putting GOD 1st. Inspire us to never give up on GOD. His delay doesn't mean his denial. Thank you.

  4. Amen Audrey! Wow! Your sister is beautiful! So proud of her! Can't wait for final product! God is working ! Let us praise him!

  5. Good morning Khabonina!

    It is such an honour to be writing this message. You are very talented! I see that you worked with Paballo Koza, who was my very close friend in primary school. We still keep in contact. I would love to email you, it is a very long email, if it is ok to email you? I am a big fan, but i also have a few questions, i would love your advice on! From within the roles you play, i can see that you are a very strong young lady at heart. I honestly hope you work towards your dreams and you live it!. I believe that you can. May God bless you, and i look forward to hearing from you! All my love, Tasmin (14 years)
