Sunday, 14 December 2014

7 REASONS WHY WATER IS NB. Especially re: Today's HEAT WAVE !!!


You would not think that many people would have to be told to drink water, especially considering that all of us would die after just a few days without water. We also get water from other sources such as our food, but many of these water sources are also very unhealthy. Drinking soda or sweetened juices is not the best way to stay hydrated. Good old-fashioned water is the best way to stay hydrated, which is essential for many functions of the body, including waste elimination. Here is a closer look at some of the key of benefits of drinking sufficient quantities of water.

1. Headache Relief
Although this remedy certainly does not apply in every instance, when someone is dehydrated it can make them more prone to headaches. Staying hydrated will eliminate those kinds of headaches, which are notoriously common when one drinks a bit too much alcohol.

2. Clarity
No, not the clarity of the water itself. We’re talking about the ability to think clearly, focus, and concentrate better. The make-up of the brain includes a lot of water, and getting dehydrated can have an effect on your mental clarity.

3. Lose Weight
It’s no secret to veteran dieters that drinking water can help shed the pounds. In addition to water’s ability to flush away body waste, including fat that is being eliminated, water can also help you feel full, which will help to keep you from grabbing snacks in between meals.

4. Aid in Digestion
Not getting enough water can result in digestive problems such as constipation. Stay hydrated to keep things moving the way they are supposed to.

5. Healthy Skin
In order for skin to look its best, moisture is vital. That’s no secret as evidenced by the myriad skin moisturizing products that are available. The water you drink has a direct impact on the level of moisture in your skin, and may do a lot more to make your skin look better than an expensive bottle of moisturizer.

6. Cramps
Muscle cramps are no fun, and those of us that have experienced bouts of leg cramps know just how painful that experience can be. Dehydration can contribute to cramps, helping to keep both muscles and joints well lubricated and less prone to cramps and spasms.

7. Detoxification
This is one of the primary benefits one is likely to think of with regard to water. Water provides the body with the medium that’s required to transport toxins from our cells and tissues, and flush them out of the body as waste. Not getting enough water could lead to a build-up for toxins in the body.

Lets do this ... 

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