Wednesday 21 August 2013


One thing I know for sure is that I LOOOOOOOOOOVE food , but im quite aware of what I put in my system. I look at myself and look at my mother, she looks AMAZING , She loves herself and takes beautiful care of her body , her skin , her physical being as a whole! So im on my journey inspired by my mother and other women who work hard and still find time to take care of themselves ... I also found these 4 foods that apparently help us keep looking great ... Shall we try...

Raspberries. These red rubies are packed with the red and purple antioxidant proanthocyanidins, which are the most abundant antioxidant in the entire planet kingdom. They support circulation and aid memory and heart function, as well as contributing to the health, vitality, and maintenance of your veins, skin, and hair. Raspberries have high levels of ellagic acid, an antioxidant which supports liver detoxification, along with good amounts of fiber.
A large percentage of a raspberry’s weight is fiber, which helps to remove toxins from the body. Fiber is as important as antioxidant content in the pursuit of staying young.  Raspberries can be taken straight from the freezer and processed in the blender to make smoothies. Like most berries in general, they have been less adulterated by modern breeding methods than other fruits so they naturally have lower sugar content.

Cucumber. Along with drinking fluids directly, we should receive water from the plant foods we eat to get the maximum nutrients. The high water content of cucumber makes it a hydrating foods that prevents dryness and wrinkling of the skin, as well as helping to remove the toxins that can age us. Cucumber is rich in potassium, magnesium, and fiber so it works to naturally reduce high blood pressure by balancing the fluid in the body. The vitamin C and caffeic acid in cucumbers help rid the body of excess fluid as they both help prevent water retention.
Cucumber is a source of two important trace minerals called silica and molybdenum. Silica is needed for a healthy complexion and molybdenum is needed to keep bones and teeth strong and healthy. The juice from cucumber is known to alleviate the symptoms of rheumatic conditions and keep joints healthy and young. Cucumber juice can also be directly applied to cuts, burns, and skin conditions to bring immediate cooling relief. Cucumber slices placed on the eyes will reduce puffiness and signs of tiredness.

Onion. There are a number of varieties of onion, from the larger more strongly sulfuric white types that are great for cooking to the red or smaller sweeter types. Onions have long been valued for their anti-inflammatory and healing properties, and are closely associated with anti-aging and longevity. This vegetable, in all its forms, contains sulfur compounds called allyl sulfides, which have been shown to help lower blood pressure and discourage growth of tumors.
Like apples and green tea, onions are also high in a plant chemical called quercetin, which is an excellent antioxidant. It is also an antihistamine and has anti-inflammatory properties. It blocks an enzyme in the body that can cause the accumulation of sorbitol, a sugar that at high levels is associated with damage to the eyes, kidneys, and nerves.

Spinach. As a dark green leaf, spinach contains high levels of cholorophyll, which is both alkalizing and cleansing when eaten. The rich color of the spinach leaf is also made up of different colored carotenoids, antioxidant chemicals that protect the plant from UV damage. The darker the leaf, the more of these nutrients it contains, and the more protection it can give you from the sun damage to your skin and the free radical damage inside the body that can lead to aging inflammatory conditions.
Spinach is a great source of folate, which is needed for cell growth, energy, and renewal. It is also a phenomenal source of iron, which helps to distribute oxygen around the body to replenish cells and keep them new.

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