Monday, 21 July 2014


Guys, we all know that exercise alone is not always enough when we trying to get rid of uMKHABARISTO AKA BELLY FAT. Many things influence umkhaba, STRESS is one of the biggest factors but some foods are known to increase this type of fat too. While we are on this journey of a better healthier lifestyle , lets avoid these  6 MKHABA AIDING FOODS ...

1. Fizzy Drinks

Ama FIZZY DRINKS are not only unhealthy for you, they increase belly fat. Labo Coke have empty calories that add excess weight. Soda/ Fizzy Drinks also provide large amounts of sugars. This sugar comes in the form of high fructose corn syrup and other additives. Your body has a hard time burning this sugar off, especially in the mid-section. High fructose corn syrup is known to make you obese. This obesity is more apparent in your abdomen. You may think that diet sodas are better, but they also contain artificial sweeteners that contribute to bad health. It's best to drink pure water to lose your belly fat.

2. Dessert

Dessert may be your favorite part of eating any meal neh, but it can add many calories to your diet. Even low calorie and reduced fat desserts should be eaten in moderation. Most desserts have refined sugars. These sugars lead to weight gain. Consider eating healthy fruits instead of cakes, cookies and candies. Ngiyazi zimnandi , but when u cry of “Ithuna lengane on your tummy” akubi mnandi angithi ? so… FOCUS !!!

3. Fast Food

Fast food is the worst type of food to eat when you trying to loose Umkhaba, those burgers, shakes and fries have large amounts of calories, fat and carbohydrates. None of these things are nutritious. Most fast food is cooked in fatty oils. This type of oil contributes to obesity, a leading cause of health problems. So, what are we saying? PHANTSI NGE FAST FOOD PHANTSI !!!

 4. Whole , Low Fat and 2 % Milk
Whole milk is an excellent source of calcium and other nutrients, but it also has a high fat content. As an adult you really don't need whole milk unless you have problems gaining weight. You should drink skim or 1% milk to avoid belly fat and maintain your healthy weight. Low fat milk or 2% milk both have a significant amount of calories and fat. Whole milk has about 9g of fat. I know you think fat free milk tastes like water, but c’mon, give it a try, let your palate get used to it ! Yes ?

5. Potato Chips

One of your favorite snacks may be giving you belly fat. Most potato chip brands are cooked in hydrogenated oils. This type of oil is called a trans fat. Trans fat is known to increase cholesterol, contribute to heart disease and increase weight. Chips that don't contain hydrogenated oil may have high amounts of fat from other oils they're fried in. There are baked and low fat potato chips on the market that make better choices. However, be aware of the calorie count. High calories still contribute to belly fat. Damn , there’s no escape… BYE LAYS! Say it …

 6. Pancakes

Pancakes aka di Panekoek make delicious breakfast items, but they have large amounts of calories and fat. Eating this food is worse when you top it with syrup. Even light pancakes contribute to belly fat. Avoid this food and enjoy whole wheat waffles instead. Whole wheat helps lower belly fat… You better RE read that last line .. “WHOLE WHEAT HELPS LOWER BELLY FAT , IT LOWERS UMKHABA … try it ! Yes ?
Don't give up the BELLY FIGHT ... we are in this TOGETHER !!!
your thoughts ??? BLOG ME BACK ... PLEASE !!!
Additional info from - "FIT DAY"
- Dacious


  1. I heard bread is the main course of belly fat is that true since m like addicted to bread

  2. Im so greatful, I came to read these useful methods on ur blog Khabo. Thank u, most of the stuff i dnt use them anymore

  3. some say pap is also another cause of it true
